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Tagged With: insurance & pension

Save With Coupons When Shopping

The vouchers successfully used in America for over 100 years and coupons take hold vouchers now available in Germany, or so-called “coupons” are successfully used in America since the beginning of the last century. Anyone who has ever purchased a weekend edition of a local newspaper in America, knows how many coupon promotions are advertised … Continue reading »

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Bad Credit Ratings Credit

Mortgage refinance for bad credit how to go about it there are many reasons why a person can end up with bad or poor credit ratings. Late or partial making mortgage payments, missing out on the payments altogether for some months, outstanding debts, unexpected or unplanned expenses can be some of the reasons which can … Continue reading »

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Kaupthing: Poll Confirms Trend

Pollsters see increased demand for day money Frankfurt, August 14, 2008 as the stock market newspaper reported in its edition of August 13, an increase of 50 percent compared with the previous year 10 percent of Germans a day money account plan in 2008. This was the result of a survey of 20,000 households by … Continue reading »

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Renewable Energy

Topics such as alternative energy and sustainability are highly popular among investors. This trend should continue in the long term. Investors have a choice: the spectrum ranges from the investment in solar certificates to broad indices depending on the risk profile. Therefore find more and more banks and investors fell on the combination of ethics … Continue reading »

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