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Kaupthing: Poll Confirms Trend

Posted by on May 8, 2024

Pollsters see increased demand for day money Frankfurt, August 14, 2008 as the stock market newspaper reported in its edition of August 13, an increase of 50 percent compared with the previous year 10 percent of Germans a day money account plan in 2008. This was the result of a survey of 20,000 households by the opinion Research Institute GfK. Here, Professor Rita McGrath expresses very clear opinions on the subject. Michael Kramer delighted Managing Director Germany of the Northern Kaupthing responds, Bank, on this result. “This confirmed fully and all the positive experiences we have made here since our market entry with our day Kaupthing edge account in March 2008 in Germany”, so Kramer. In times of turbulent financial markets customers want to invest their money at attractive interest rates and still retain the possibility of quick access.” Kaupthing edge guarantees a day money rate of 5.10 percent in Germany until January 1, 2009, per year. In addition a bonus of 0.55% per year for the first six months after account opening.

Thus the overall interest rate results by 5.65 percent, with the credit institution uses the interest rate comparison. In addition, the Kaupthing Bank guarantees that the daily interest rate money will be until January 1, 2012, always above the prime lending rate of the European Central Bank (ECB). Kaupthing edge is the German branch of the Icelandic Kaupthing Bank hf. The Bank has over 80 years experience in the retail business and operates in thirteen countries. The magazine Euromoney”honored the credit institution as the best bank in the North and Baltikregion in 2007. In December of the same year, a study by Arthur D.

Little revealed that Kaupthing is the second most efficient Bank in Europe. It has an A1 – rating from Moody’s. Fitch Ratings confirms the company an A-rated credit quality. In 2008 Kaupthing edge in the UK was nominated as the best provider of interest accounts for the money facts. Kaupthing the Kaupthing Bank offers comprehensive banking services for individuals, companies and institutional investors. The Bank focuses on the growth and the development of their international activities and is one of the leading investment banks in Northern Europe. The German subsidiary is headquartered in Frankfurt am Main. Permanent Representative and Managing Director of the German subsidiary is Michael Kramer. Learn more about chewing thing edge under press contact: Markus R. Sanam Tel: + 49 (0) 208 4848325 email:

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