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Executive Director

By LIC. Aldo M. Abram, Executive Director of the center of research institutions and markets of Argentina (PRESIDIAL-ESEADE) published in: field Financiero.Viernes February 12, 2010 in 2006 published two articles noting that Argentines would have increasing problems to access our traditional barbecue, past three years. Without hesitation Robert Speyer explained all about the problem. Your … Continue reading »

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Want to have more participation in Europe with Spain under-21. Things are not as I’d like but I don’t have to stop trying, he says. Spain, classified for the semifinals of the European. Bojan Krkic, Barcelona’s international striker, showed their desire to have more participation in Europe with Spain under-21, after playing 20 minutes in … Continue reading »

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Medical Tourism

The Mexican official today presented the Government strategies to gain share in the market of medical tourism, a segment that will leave the country income $ 4,050 million dollars and up to 650,000 visitors of this kind, according to estimates by the Ministry of tourism (Sectur) in 2020. Is medical tourism traveling to another country … Continue reading »

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Presidents Development

The mining agreement is for the development of mining and Metallurgy in deposits of gold, copper, zinc, chrome and lime production, and it was signed between the Ministry of the power popular for basic industries and mining of Venezuela and the Ministry of basic industry of the Republic of Cuba. Also be initialled agreements for … Continue reading »

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Venues Selling

President Artur Mas he has decided to undersell the heritage of the Catalan Government to deal with the delicate financial situation of the catalan Government. The Department of Economics, whose owner is Andreu Mas-Colell, has released 37 buildings, with that expected to enter up to 550 million euros. The sale of these buildings in the … Continue reading »

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New York Design

Old wood and concrete, rusty metal and wild grass, none of this cover on the roof, as seen from inside, suggests that it might not be a European cottage back porch. Nothing, i.e., until a wonderful Manhattan skyline image is displayed by the Fund. Similarly, nothing about their immediate environment suggests that it is anything … Continue reading »

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Geolocation Applications

According to evermind, multinational Espanola de Ingenieria Informatica, increasingly are more companies who throw themselves into the world of mobile applications, especially looking for CRM (relationship management with clients) and geolocation services. However, analyzing the dozens of requests received by the companies, the needs are varied. Hospitals, entertainment companies, supermarket chains and banks are some … Continue reading »

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Advantages Of Rentals Of Timeshare

Rental time is possibly the best idea that can think about whether is explaining to a vacation or a holiday trip. It is useful and convenient both for the rent of the tenant, and part since it is flexible in nature. For example, if you can’t go on vacation, which you can rent the property … Continue reading »

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