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Tagged With: construction and repair

Law Construction

Safeguard against abuse of workers and the government in deciding to exclude a person from members of the sro in the building is enjoined by law the need for making such a decision by the general meeting of members of SROs (Part 3. 55.7 gdc Russia). For the democratic approach in the construction of sro … Continue reading »

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Construction Materials

Construction is one of the major consumers of metal profiles. The use of these profiles allows to receive the most advanced solutions elements of buildings, both architectural and aesthetic, and by Techno-economic indicators. Work is underway to further improve the design bindings panel of industrial and office buildings to facilitate the construction of binding, increasing … Continue reading »

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Tips On Choosing Interior Door

Doors are an important element of any residential premises. As an interior door less often have to use a metal door. Most people prefer wooden doors, because they are made from environmentally friendly materials that can not be said about the metal doors. In the manufacture of doors used oak, beech, pine, walnut, alder and … Continue reading »

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