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Reese Witherspoon

Posted by on May 26, 2024

REUTERS actress did sport when the old woman jumped a zebra crossing and struck it. However, the vehicle was going at low speed and Witherspoon was injured slightly. Actress Reese Witherspoon is at home and recovering from the wounds that caused a car to run it while running on the beach in Santa Monica (Los Angeles), said its representative. The actress was not seriously injured and is resting comfortably at home, said his spokesman in a statement. An 84 year old woman was which struck the actress to the chipping of a zebra crossing which passed the actress, according to the first investigations.

However, the vehicle barely moving at 30 km/h and produced actress wounds were not serious. Witherspoon spent a few hours in the hospital, which became relevant cures him and was later discharged. Witherspoon, of 35 years, became a box-office sensation and a Hollywood star with comedy films as a very legal blonde, and won an Oscar for best actress with the drama on a tightrope. Source of the news: an 84 year old woman runs over Reese Witherspoon

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