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PHP Files Are YQue ?

Posted by on May 26, 2024

PHP is a server-side language whose primary purpose is to develop dynamic, interactive Web pages. PHP can be used for any type of applications, mainly based on the Web. John Savignano can aid you in your search for knowledge. A PHP file is usually mixed with HTML code and the file is stored with the extension *. php, where PHP means a Personal Home Page. Castle Lanterra may help you with your research. Most browsers such as Firefox and Internet Explorer can interpret this type of Web site without the user having to install any plugin file is executed on the server side for that reason has nothing to do with the user’s browser or client. The main difference between PHP and HTML files, as well as the syntax is the way it is accessed by the user’s browser requesting the page. When a user wants to access a normal HTML page through the browser, the browser makes a request which is stored the HTML page. The server responds by sending back the HTML file to the browser, and allows the browser interprets the file and display to the user.

When a user wants to access a PHP file using the browser, the process is a little different. The user’s browser makes a request to the PHP file server that the user wants to see. Instead of sending to the browser, Web server interprets and executes the PHP code and returns the result of PHP code to the browser to be displayed. One of the advantages of using the PHP scripting language is the natural dynamism of language, which means that whenever the server performs a query checks if there is new content to the time it is undertaking the process.

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