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Posted by on February 21, 2019

The fleet of vehicles in Germany, elegant and individual carports at MC garage has reaches its maximum. The car is indispensable in many families. However, the plot often offers not the necessary space for a double garage. A good alternative to a second garage is the establishment of a car port. This works through the use of different materials, such as wood, steel or acrylic open and thus the plot not squat and cluttered look. The company MC garage from Mannheim sells individual design carports, which bring some steel and aluminum carports are sent everyday wood, stand out. Due to the different materials used in the Designo carport, the carport can be perfectly matched the real estate.

Since the Designo carports in nearly any RAL color are available, the main colors of the House can be taken up, which the carport is the perfect addition for the home. An advantage for the purchase of a car port is the open design which dissipates moisture faster, so that the vehicle dries faster. This prevents that rust placed below vehicles, what good is maintaining the value of the vehicle. On the Web site, the company presents MC garage car port projects already realized, as well as more information about the design.

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