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Posted by on March 8, 2019

Idiomatic correction: The grammar agreement Although the agreement rules are simple, they register numerous anomalies, as much in the language spoken as in written. In the oration agreement between the following elements must be expressed: Between article, noun and adjective. Between the nucleus of the subject and the verb. Between relative and its antecedent noun. Between the pronominal forms " , las" and the direct complement. Between the pronominal forms " him, les" and indirect complement. We explain of more detailed way: It must have grammar agreement of sort and number, between the article, the noun and the adjective: the black notebook the white pages a warm day this loving torment?Between the nucleus of the subject and the verb, it must to have agreement of number and person: I won you won he won we won they won?Also she must have agreement between the noun and the verb in the orations in passive voice with " se" , although in this case the agreement is only of number: Soda waters are sold.

Apartment is rented.Apartments are rented. As we saw in the subject on the use of nexuses, the relative ones must agree with their antecedent in sort and number (sometimes only in number): The car was comfortable in which I traveled. The women with those who I saw they said it. There are several chairs, which are comfortable. The children arrived with those who I played. The pronominal forms " , las" they agree in sort and number with the direct complement: Saw I it him. Saw I it her.

Saw I them them. Saw I them them. The pronominal forms " him and les" they must agree in number with the indirect complement: I gave books him him. I gave books them them. I gave the book them them.

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