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Mainz Wiesbaden

Posted by on January 12, 2019

Citizens initiative coma welcomes decisive step Mainz, March 19, 2009 – with a clear signal, cemented his position against the power plant construction the City Council at the meeting yesterday and decided by the votes of CDU/green/oDP/FW ‘Alliance for a kohlekraftwerks-free region Mainz Wiesbaden e.V.’ in not only to compete, but to support financially with a donation in the amount of 5.000Euro. (Note: SPD, FDP, and Republicans also continue to insist on the labor) Coma recommends the KMW (Kraftwerke Mainz-Wiesbaden AG) as a consistent and thorough vote of no confidence in the own shareholder to recognize the accession of the city of Mainz to the Alliance ( That the Parliament forced looks, to proceed against the project of own Stadtwerke in this form is the result of a backroom politics, where Mayor bags and the SPD swear the KMW & public utilities remain eternal fidelity and pretend as if the City Council had nothing to report. That but the majority of Parliament is determined, this the KMW must now recognize undemocratic goings-on to put an end to that. It is long overdue that those responsible finally go to “Plan B”, rather than continue to try to run against its shareholders (the city of Wiesbaden is pulling against the coal-fired power plant in court!).

The Alliance will help now anyway, also the city of Mainz, as a new Member, to dissuade the KMW from its coal plans. “It is therefore becoming more and more looming: the coal-fired power plant is not built.” The KMW is now completely without support. We the leaders therefore urge, finally to get off from the project even more money with unnecessary planning be wasted before. “, so Marc Legg, Chairman of the Alliance for a coal-free region Mainz Wiesbaden 1 ‘ in its latest press release ( ..Buendnis PM_Beitritt by Mainz.pdf) normally you would Exult now”The end of horror is heralded…”, but the KMW have already demonstrated in the past, that they” are able to close the eyes long time ago certainties (such as, that CO2 pollution rights bought from the first minute after commissioning for many millions must be). There is no end in sight and the KMW will bury more of all our money (because the KMW belongs to us, the citizens!) in a hopeless and unloved by all project. Hopefully those responsible at KMW and Mainz SPD sometime for this waste of money must answer!

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